Tuition & Payments
Monthly Tuition 24-25
Creative Movement & Pre-Ballet per month
1 class per week / $57.00
Ballet 1A & 1B - Ballet 7 per month
1 class per week / $62.00
2 classes per week / $105.00
3 classes per week / $120.00
4 classes per week / $130.00
5 classes per week / $140.00
Ballet 8/Advanced per month
1 class per week $70.00
2 classes per week $112.00
3 classes per week $130.00
4 classes per week $145.00
5 classes per week $160.00
6 classes per week $185.00
7 classes per week $195.00
8 classes per week $210.00
9+ classes per week $260.00
Tuition Policies
Tuition is non-refundable
A $30 annual Registration Fee (+$10 for each additional child) is due at time of registration.
A 10% discount will be given on the overall tuition for families with more than one child.
Tuition is due by the 1st of each month.
A $10 Late Fee will be automatically added if tuition is received after the 10th of the month.
Any missed classes may be made up in another class of the same level within the month.
Tuition is based on the total number of classes from September through June, and is a yearly rate divided into 10 equal payments.
Holidays are not included in the​ total number of classes.
Tuition will not be pro-rated for absences.
Please inquire about discounts for trimester or full-year payments.
Payment Options
Credit Card:
1. You can pay by credit card below
2. The studio can keep your credit card information on file in the office and automatically charge your card every month on a set day
Made payable to: Classical Ballet of WNY
1. You can put your check in an envelope with the student’s name on it and put it in the tuition box, located on the wall next to the office at the studio.
2. You can mail it to:
Classical Ballet of WNY
8180 Main Street, Williamsville, NY 14221
3. You can have your bank automatically mail it to the above address every month
1. Put the exact amount in a sealed envelope with the student’s name on it and what it’s for. You can either put it in the tuition box located on the wall next to the office, or give it directly to Miss Susannah or Mr. Bill.